Scripture Union Zimbabwe
Scripture Union Zimbabwe (SUZ) is working to reduce the number of children living and working on the streets of Bulawayo and Masvingo, Zimbabwe, through the Thuthuka Project (meaning “to rise up”). E3’s support is helping SUZ to transform the lives of these children, who are struggling to survive and are vulnerable to abuse, drugs and illegal activities.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, SUZ housed children at its outreach centre, so they had somewhere safe to live when the Police rounded people up from the streets. Staff members cared for and supported them with practical, emotional and spiritual support. Amazingly, three-quarters of them were reunified with their families and SUZ continues to visit and support them, especially with food parcels and help to start income-generating activities. Those who are most vulnerable live at the SUZ centre, where they receive love, care and nurture. All the children under SUZ attend school and grow in confidence.
E3’s partnership is:
Reaching out to 150 children through day and night street visits to build relationships and provide basic rights (health/medication, play, sport education, psycho-social support, shelter, food and clothing).
Caring for children who are very vulnerable and were living on the streets at the Centre.
Running sexual and gender-based violence workshops in schools and with teenage mothers living in the slums to encourage them to report cases of violence and break the culture of silence. Survivors of abuse were supported through health care and professional counselling sessions
Facilitating reunification and reintegration of children living on the streets with their families.
Helping provide Life Skills so children make informed decisions on key issues, including peer pressure, self-esteem, child protection and drug and substance abuse. Almost 100 children and young people also received spiritual support through Bible studies, prayers, church attendance and Christian camps.
Paying fees to enable young people to go on to university and helping others to set up small businesses to earn a living.
Advocating for the rights of more than 400 children living on the streets.
Helping develop agricultural projects to generate an income to help run the project.
Grant from E3: £9,000
Skholiwe Ncube is the project leader.