Hope and a future for people affected by HIV and AIDS
Amidst the pain and suffering caused by HIV and AIDS, E3 partners are bringing hope as they reach out in word and action and respond to the challenges in their communities.
Discover more about how E3 is supporting people affected by HIV and AIDS in Malawi through the work of Sunrise Ministries.
Being HIV-positive is not a death sentence
Through HIV testing and counselling, people can find out their status and receive the support they need. HIV is not a death sentence. Sunrise Ministries trains people living with HIV to:
support each other
take antiretroviral medication effectively
eat nutritious food
be empowered through support groups, which enable people to save and access loans to run small businesses and earn a sustainable income. The groups are also a place of encouragement and a support network.
All this support means people can live healthy and productive lives well into old age.
In this video, see the impact of Sunrise Ministries in Malawi as it runs door-to-door HIV counselling and testing, a children’s clinic, HIV awareness activities and support groups for people living with HIV .
Support for orphaned and vulnerable children
Lulisandla Kumntwana (meaning “Reach out to the child”) runs a community-based programme to support over 2,500 orphaned and vulnerable children in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Volunteers from local churches, counsellors and youth workers support and care for the children to improve their emotional, social, practical, educational and spiritual well-being. With years of experience of best practice, Lulisandla has been helping us develop our Back to School Life Skills programme and our gender-based violence work.
Nutritious meals for orphaned and vulnerable children
Mobile Mission Maintenance in Zambia runs a feeding scheme, preparing 250 meals from Monday to Friday to feed children who live in abject poverty in a Township near its training centre.
“He was born with HIV and has been on Antiretrovirals since birth. It is impossible for his mother to provide food for him, but the feeding centre has met his need and he has become healthier and stronger.”
E3 also helps fund school meals for children at Samaritan School in Zambia, Christian Life Academy and Umsilinga School in South Africa, so that children can concentrate on their school work instead of their rumbling tummies, and be healthier and stronger.
This video shows the difference E3 support is making at Samaritan School in Zambia.
“I was really shy, had low self-esteem and couldn’t read or write. I lost my mum and dad to AIDS. I used to go without food for several days. But I wanted to learn and I worked hard at Samaritan School.”
— Robert is now in grade 11 at secondary school with high hopes for his future. He realised that education was the only way to escape the poverty and misery of his life and took that opportunity to step into a brighter future.