Fishers Trainers and Senders Ministries
E3 partners with Fishers, Trainers and Senders Ministries (FTSM) in Mtambwa, an isolated rural community where families live in extreme poverty in Malawi. The community is around 20km from the nearest market so there are limited opportunities to earn a living from making and selling. It is also hard to grow crops to eat without special fertiliser. FTSM has started with adult Bible study groups and children’s clubs to share the word of God and encourage group members to share their faith. The next step will be helping the community identify projects that will help improve livelihoods and combat hunger.
E3’s partnership helps fund:
Training for church leaders, adult Bible study group leaders and children’s club leaders.
Four Bible study groups for adults, with 57 members (September 2023).
Fourteen after-school Bible clubs for orphaned and vulnerable school children, reaching over 1,200 children. They play games and leaders share God’s word with them. The clubs provide a safe place to spend time, have fun and receive nurture and support.
Training and empowering group members to start vegetable gardens to combat hunger and generate an income.
Grant from E3: £10,000
The staff team at FTSM in Malawi.
Louise Laubscher is the project leader.
Nedson’s story: let’s not neglect the children
Nedson is 20 years old. He joined a church in 2020 and felt that the church was putting too much emphasis on the adults and neglecting the children in their teaching of the gospel. He started a children’s club in his area, but he did not have any teaching resources and did not know about children’s ministry. In March 2023, he was invited to children’s ministry training funded by E3.