Emerging Leaders

Many grassroots church leaders cannot access effective training and support as they seek to reach out to those around them. That’s why an important part of E3’s work is the Emerging Leaders programme (EL). It enables leaders to understand local needs and how to respond in effective and sustainable ways, with a particular focus on HIV, improving livelihoods and responding to the gender-based violence crisis.


The training process is interactive and helps participants develop sustainable church-based projects to respond to issues such as poverty, HIV and Gender-based violence. We help them identify their strengths and the local assets and resources available. The four key processes are:

  • Mobilising grassroots leaders

  • Training workshops for leaders

  • Implementation of workshop learning by starting church-based projects

  • Mentorship through monitoring, evaluation and reporting on projects.

Emerging Leaders provides training so that church leaders, their congregations and communities can lay out their own community transformation agenda. We believe that the solutions to local issues lie with churches and communities themselves, and not with outside development experts with little knowledge and experience of the community they seek to transform.